Five reasons to write your own TESOL blog
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By James Jenkin
Writing a TESOL blog is a valuable endeavor for anyone serious about teaching. It will help you think deeply about your approach to teaching, and connect you with the wider TESOL community. And it’s fun.
Here are some examples of creative and inspiring blogs:
All Categories 21st century skills academic writing action research adult learning age age and language learning assessment authentic materials authentic task authentic text background knowledge blended learning blog body language celta children children's literature china chinese students classroom managment classroom practice clt code switching collaborative writing commmunicative competence communication communicative competence communicative language teaching context controversies conversation course book creative creativity critical pedagogy critical period hypothesis critical reading critical thinking culture curriculum digital citizenship digital technologies discourse competence diversity dynamic assessment education efl eliciting elt engagement english for specific purposes english for the workplace esol esp extensive reading face-to-face learning feedback first lesson fluency fluent fun genre pedagogy genre-based approach to writing giving instructions global perspective google trends graded reader grammar group work identity ielts imagination intense reading intensive reading language teaching language teaching methodology learner identity learner's needs learner-centred pedagogy learning learning goals learning providers lesson design lesson planning library linguistic competence listening literature materials design materials development meaningful methodology modern china motivation music myths native speaker needs analysis non-native speaker online courses online learning oral assessment oral communication parenting parents plagarize plagarizing plagiarise plagiarism plain english politeness portfolio portfolio assessment preferences process writing professional development pronunciation question reader response theory reading reading aloud reading anxiety reading comprehension reading fluency reading time reflective teaching resources rhymes rhythm rosenblatt self-evaluation small talk sociocultural theory sociolinguistic competence songs speaking speaking fluency speech act speech function stories story story time storytelling strategic competence strategies student attitudes student interaction student's needs syllabus tag question task-based language learning teacher research teachers teaching certificate teaching cultural information teaching materials teaching requirements teaching writing technical writing technology tefl tesol test preparation the zone of proximal development toefl transactional theory vocabulary vygotsky writing writing assessment writing portfolio zpd